Arts & Humanities Council of Falls Church
Welcome to Falls Church, a vibrant hub for art and culture enthusiasts. Its Arts and Humanities Council invites you to explore our rich cultural landscape and the Falls Church Art Walk, a project designed to celebrate the diverse art installations that make the City of Falls Church a unique destination for art.
The Falls Church Arts and Humanities Council supports various activities, programs, events, and strategies that promote arts, history, and cultural education in the City of Falls Church. Through its grant program, it strengthens the vitality of these efforts within the city and serves as a catalyst for the greater community. The Arts and Humanities Council is made up of members of the City’s various arts, theater, cultural and historical organizations.
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The Arts and Humanities Council of Falls Church, composed of members from Creative Cauldron, Falls Church Arts, Falls Church Chamber of Commerce, the Tinner Hill Heritage Foundation, the Village Preservation and Improvement Society, the Victorian Society at Falls Church, the Friends of Cherry Hill Foundation, the Vietnamese Literary & Artistic Club, and members-at-large.